Custom Enterprise Software

Education Assist deliver bespoke enterprise applications that address your business needs and meet your specifications. We have experience in creating software that improves content management, business process automation, e-Commerce, and employee collaboration. Our developers are able to leverage their experience with Agile software development to increase your competitive advantage.

We don’t just build software – we drive your business

We are experienced business professionals who use mobile technology to help our clients drive their bottom line. We have worked with companies with key focus to increase the profitability of our clients by increasing revenue or decreasing cost.

Software Integration by Expert Software and App Developers

Daily operations at large enterprises are often supported by a mix of SaaS and on-premise third-party applications. Education Assist offers development of comprehensive Enterprise Application Integration solutions which allow for a mobile-first approach with custom mobile UI, API and microservice development, data integration, as well as workspaces, portals, and mashups.

Legacy Application Modernisation

Ohh yes, We are expert in this. We are good to review and understand the legacy application and clone a new system with better features and new technology. Education Assist can provide your business with a team that can perform in depth feature and technical analysis of your legacy solution and offer enterprise application development that will use the latest tools and technologies. Your users will be happier and more productive, and your IT operations team will sleep better.

Technologies Education Assist Uses

Web Development: .NET, PHP, Java, JavaScript
Mobile Development: iOS, Android, Xamarin, Hybrid (IONIC 3)
Database: MySQL, SQL Server, Oracle, MongoDB and others
DevOps and Cloud: AWS, Azure, Droplets etc